Winter Bare

Winter Bare
Bare Stare and totally relaxed!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Perspective: Bare Footgear

My Feet In Sandals

Many social nudists reject the notion of footwear while bare as "un-nude" and too conforming. They argue that if you're wearing sandals or any other form of shoes, you're not completely naked. I understand their point but disagree with their premise. Since our feet are a very vulnerable part of our body and one of the few areas more than likely to encounter a foreign object and sustain an injury (or worse), many of us who embrace living bare (myself included), would rather be proactive and maintain a barrier between our nakedness and the sometimes unfriendly earth. 

True, if we're wearing protection, we're not completely nude. However, I feel that I may be hanging out totally naked everywhere else (see picture above), just because I'm wearing a pair of sandals fails to exclude me from my naturist/nudist brethren. I'm bare everywhere else in spirit if not in fact.

In my opinion, boots are no different than sandals as far as nudity is concerned. The same principal applies: it's worn for the protection of the foot. Especially true while hiking, no matter if its in an urban or wild environment. There's always a need to provide some support and covering for our feet. The activity is useless in the event of a foot injury. 

The same logic holds true when riding a bicycle, no matter if its for recreation or for participating in the local World Naked Bike Ride event. A hurt foot could prove to be a disaster for both the cyclist and for other riders. The bottom-line here is that the wearing of footgear in no way compromises the nudity of the particular individual. 

Athletics play an important aspect in the lives of many social nudists. The purist nudist claim that the use of footwear or athletic shoes or other footgear negates the nakedness of the wearer is a tedious adherence to minute detail that ignores the larger scope of the naturist/nudist personal safety, which should always be a top priority. In my mind, that's like throwing out the baby with the proverbial bathwater. Our primary concern should be the health and well-being of our brother naturists and not the spirit of our nudity.

For a number of years I played on a nude same gender loving recreation basketball team. We competed against other nude teams and our major consideration was always the safety of all of our players and spectators. The fact that we were running and dribbling up and down the basketball court with our penis and testicles bouncing in full view reminded everyone watching us play that we were a bare ball team. The fact that we were wearing athletic shoes was virtually unnoticed by most of the audience. I expect the same holds true for most naked teams. 

  I respect the opinions of my fellow nudists with regards to the wearing of shoes, etc., and being nude. They have a point but so do I. If we are willing to share our nakedness with others through our enjoyment of nude sports, then any concern for our safety does not make us any less naked than anyone else. There are far too many haters in this world than for us nudists, gay or straight, to resort to in-fighting when the basic matter is the safety of us all. It isn't as though anyone is giving out prizes for whoever is the "most" naked among us.   

I appreciate the ongoing discussions such as this one over footgear within our bare community. I believe these debates help bridge the various issues that potentially could prove divisive within the social nudist culture. Contributing to the ongoing dialogue fosters an understanding of different perspectives and encourages other men to enter into the sharing of views. In turn, this leads to a healthy and stronger community. It helps to build a lively and vibrant culture and to mutual respect among all members. It adds to the diversity among naked practitioners that all of us can appreciate. 

Strip off your clothes! The footgear is optional and experience the freedom of being completely bare!

Peace! Get naked. Enjoy!

Bare With Pride


a{GAY}tekeeper{iam} said...

LOVE looking @ a man's feet and I must say that you have nice feet

Bare With Pride said...

Thanks, my man, they seem to get me where I need to go! LOL! Take care and stay bare!