Winter Bare

Winter Bare
Bare Stare and totally relaxed!

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Naturist or Nudist? Part II

Author's Note: For background information, please refer to Naturist or Nudist? Part I published here last Sunday, August 28, 2016. Click the title to link directly to that post. The images accompanying the earlier post were of a man alone in a forest, suggesting a naturist. The pictures here are of an urban dude, suggesting a nudist. Please understand that not all urban dwellers who prefer to be bare are nudists and not all rural dwellers who prefer to be bare are naturists.  

In Naturist or Nudist, Part I, we explored some of the distinguishing characteristics between the labels, naturist and nudist. What, at least, philosophically, differentiates one from the other. Here, in Naturist or Nudist, Part II, we'll examine some of the shared characteristics that often cause confusion between the two labels. 

The obvious similarity or common trait for naturists and nudists is their appreciation, acknowledgement, embracing preference for living their lives as bare (nude or clothes-free) as possible. If either community had their way, most would opt for living naked all the time, the only exception being when clothes are absolutely necessary (such as winter) for comfort and health. This commonality conveniently affords both communities with a cross-over of audiences for social and political purposes. 

Both the naturist culture and the nudist community encourage and support gatherings of like-minded individuals for shared clothes-free experiences within their respective culture and community. These experiences help to establish bonds and to foster group cohesiveness. In for the naturists, this is referred to as communal nudity. The nudists refer to this as social nudity.    

In recent years, as the differences between naturist and nudist have become blurred in the minds of many, there has been some effort by organizations on both sides of the spectrum to seek a concrete solidarity on both the labels and the philosophies. The general consensus is that both naturists and nudists wholeheartedly support the concept or ideal of body freedom. Each person has the right to present their body as they believe best them, be it clothed or clothes-free. 

Along the same lines, this tenet of body freedom also allows people to determine which label best determines their self-identification.   

Along the same lines, this tenet of body freedom allows people self-determination as to which label, naturist or nudist, best expresses their self-identification. All of this is both well and good but it doesn't resolve the issues of which is "better," a naturist or a nudist die-hards from both sides of the fence argue. So the Great Clothes-free Debate continues. 

As for myself, I self-identify as a same gender loving bare man who is also Deaf. That best describes who and what I am. 

Here on this site, Guys Without Boxers: Bare With Pride, in the interest of correctness, I'll continue to use both naturist and nudist as adjectives to denote the absence of clothing. Additionally, I'll employ the use of bare and clothes-free to mean the same to avoid being redundant. In my mind, all the above have the same meaning, anyway. As long as all the items of covering are all off, then life is once again good! 

Peace! Get naked. Enjoy!

Bare With Pride