There are many pleasures derived from being s'naked in winter. Despite that fact, one of the many down aspects of being a bare-enthusiast during the coldest season of the year is the frequent occurance of being "homebound." Due to the varying weather patterns, excessive snowfall, severe ice conditions and extremely frigid outdoor temperatures can all, alone or in combination, restrict us to our homes for much of the season.
This can lead to boredom, depression or to a condition known as "cabin fever" (when we reach our limits of spending time within the confines of our apartments/homes). Aside from the mental anguish, "cabin fever" can also lead to alcoholism and other destructive behaviors.
To combat this seasonal calamity, there are several suggestions for the naturists/nudists to use in order to keep their sanity and to keep themselves distracted and productive. These suggestions may take some degree of planning beforehand. Remember that these suggestions are not all inclusive. Feel free to modify any and all to suit your needs.
1. Take selfies of your nudity: Be as creative as you dare while making images of yourself bare! You have plenty of time to prepare so use your imagination and get busy! Better still, make a list of your poses and follow through on them all. You'll be amazed at the results!
2. Email a few selfies to your friends: Not only will you liven their day, but sending pictures of your nudity to some of your naturist/nudist buddies may encourage them to take some bare selfies themselves and sending a few to you. This has the potential to create a worthwhile diversion!
3. Plan your next nakation: A "nakation" is simply nude + vacation = nakation. If you've never gone on one before, no problem. Do a little research, plan your budget and make a list of possibilities. You just may find that it's not as prohibitive as you may think. Thinking of the sunshine and travel will lift your spirits and alleviate the winter "blahs."
4. Create a bare photo album: For this, you may need to purchase a photo album beforehand. Organize your photos from previous nakations, or pictures of you and your friends bare from group outings or social events into a nice album to view with your friends. Also, a place for any selfies your bare buddies may send to you from suggestion #2.
5. Go online and visit a gay nudist site: If you've never done this before, now that you have the time, try it! If a "chat room" is available, check it out. You may be surprised when you start meeting other same gender loving bare-enthusiasts from throughout this country and the world.
What to try to avoid:
Spending an excessive amount of time watching television or spending an inordinate amount of time online. This can compound depression and, believe it or not, enhance boredom. Limit your television viewing to actually what you really are interested in and online browsing to items that hold an interest for you. Be selective and a good idea is to alternate between watching television and online usage by reading a book, magazine or newspaper. Avoid falling into a "mindless" rut.
Peace! Get naked. Enjoy!
Bare With Pride
I believe spending time with the guy in the first pic could certainly cure my cabin fever 😅
True that, my friend! Absolutely! Thanks for your comment! Love and naked hugs!
Glad I found this. Going out of my gourd from being housebound with this weather.
I know that feeling, buddy! I'm glad that you found this site, too. I hope you'll come back here again! Take care and stay bare!
Thanks for these tips...I have to take more time away from work
Hey Lil Buddy, I'm glad these helped you out! Thank you for the comment here. Love and many naked hugs!
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