Winter Bare

Winter Bare
Bare Stare and totally relaxed!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Photo-blog: Nude Dudes: August, 2016 and One-Year Anniversary

Happy One Year Anniversary: Guys Without Boxers: Bare With Pride!

Taking advantage of the last full month of Summer, 2016, the Nude Dudes above decided to get together, get bare and join in a skinny-dipping outing. This is one way to beat back the August heat and to enjoy social nudity at the same time! What are you waiting for? Winter is already on the way so get clothes-free and dive in! 

Don't waste any valuable time. Strip out of whatever you're wearing and prepare to feel the coolness of the water envelop all your bare skin. That's one of the premier benefits of skinny-dipping: no need for air-conditioning. Its all natural, just like us! The author, Mark Twain, immortalized this activity in his books on Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. We can't let those classic fictional icons be disappointed!

Skinny-dipping alone is not recommended but a shallow shore is considered safe. So, bare your buttocks and join in the fun! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but summer won't last forever. Join our Nude Dudes now before it's too late! 

And in honor of the first anniversary of this blog, here's a bonus beauty booty:

Peace! Get naked. Enjoy!

Bare With Pride


Musique's Poetry said...

Happy Anniversary

Bare With Pride said...

Thank you, Lil Buddy! I hope you are enjoying your summer, bare, of course!