Skinny-Dipping at the pool!
Swimming bare helps keep you cool!
Submerged beneath the surface,
A bare aquatic dude frolics.
Skinny-dipping is so much fun.
Naked acrobatics for everyone!
Skinny-dipping (swimming nude) is really the only way to swim. There is the sensation of being totally free, with the water rushing over your bare skin, that makes it a very liberating experience. Regardless of the body of water, be it pool, ocean, river or lake, there's nothing like a naked dip to cool you off during the summer.
There are some who take issue with the fact that skinny-dipping can be done in a pool, whether indoors or outside. In their minds, skinny dipping can only take place in a natural body of water and a pool is man-made.
No matter what you call it, swimming is best when it is done bare!
Peace! Get naked. Enjoy!
Bare With Pride
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